How to Life With Adobe Softwares

Adobe has many softwares we can use like Photoshop, illustrator, lightroom, animate, etc. In this article we will talk about what adobe software can be used to print, to do webs, photos, animation, and videos. Sorry if this article sucks. I just came from the photography class and saw pictures of me.

Firstly, what to use to print. Adobe Indesign is a program used to lay out documents for print. In Indesign, you can make catalogs, flyers, brochures, CD covers, packaging, posters, and much more. Although Adobe InDesign is a great software to layout websites you can’t really edit photos in the print. I advise to use Adobe Photoshop if you want to edit a photo. Photoshop has made the ugly beautiful, the imperfect perfect and can almost fix any mistake…If only it can make Mister Gabriel look more human and not a soul-sucking teacher, He’s awesome though.

Next is how to what software is used to make the web. The perfect software to use is Adobe Dreamweaver  which is used to designing website and has  programming and  HTML web editor. It makes terrible websites which give me 9th and 10th grade flashbacks. The sites look like a programmer made them…so excruciatingly bad. I would never advise using Adobe Dreamweaver but hey you do you man.

Now photos, I am sure we touched this topic. SO here is the thing. Adobe Photoshop, use it. Although the cropping is bad  you will be able to do neat things to pictures and has cool features. Like Smart sharpen which lets you reduce noise and halo effects quickly. There is also Multi-shape and path selection which provides you with the ability to select multiple shapes, paths and vector masks all at once is. There is color import from web files , you can import color swatches directly from HTML, CSS or SVG files. this will let your photos look acceptable and lets others think you are good at taking pictures when really you aren’t.

Lastly there is Animation and videos. Firstly videos, use Photoshop to edit them…That it I don’t think I can be anymore clear I also feel like if I say Photoshop again in this blog Mister Gabriel will be pissed off. Next animation, Adobe Animate is a software you can use to um well animate. What you need to do is prepare the background or “Stage”, then you , create the scene, import and prepare your character, animate the character,Add animation to your main timeline and finally publish it. After you publish it think about it for the rest of your days and worry if people will or will not like it. When you start crying yourself to sleep every night you know…you are an official animator.

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