Basic (Not as Basic as Me Though) Copyright Laws

Today we will talk about Basic Copyright Laws if you haven’t read the tittle.

What is copyright?

Copyright is the exclusive right to original work. It will protect unpublished and published work. It is grounded in the Constitution of the United States of America. So all those photos, films, document, music, poetry, novels, computer software, and architecture etc. are protected by the law. If anyone takes it you can sue them. However, It does not protect facts, ideas, or systems. It can protect the way they are expressed though. So if you write a song or a poem or a speech or whatever you want to express yourself with you have the exclusive right to that original work.

Copyright disclaimer

A copyright disclaimer  is a statement that denies against such things as information or claims made within the content. This is usually found on websites. In artistic works such as books, music, art etc. It shows the clear conditions of content use and also voluntary repudiation within the disclaimer. The repudiation is a statement that the owners deny any claims of responsibility for problems that may come with the use of the content. A type of copyright disclaimer is used when someone takes lines from a printed work, images from films or other artwork or anything that is not their own work. If they include a fair use copyright disclaimer, they are saying that they do not own the copyright, but that they are using the material under the fair use clause.

Copyright filing procedure

Copyright filing procedure is fairly easy. There are only three steps: First step, Complete properly. There are different forms Form TX is to register literary works and computer programs, Farm PA is for performing arts, Form SE is for single issue serials or periodicals, but Form SE/Group is for a group of issues of serials or periodicals, in order to register for a group of daily newspapers or newsletters you have to use Form SE, Form SR is for sound recordings, and lastly Form VA is for visual arts. Second, You have to pay a filthy fee that you can never get back. The fee is around thirty-five dollars, it all depends on the file. Lastly, a nonreturnable deposit. The deposit requirement also depends on the work. If published the deposit is usually two pages and if is not published it is one page of the work tp get registered for copyright.

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