ISO, Aperture and Shutter speed

ISO ISO is the level of sensitivity of your camera to light. The larder the ISO number the more sensitive it is to light, also it’s more pixellated. ISO can range from a hundred to thirty-two hundred. It is advised to use the lowest ISO possible since it looks softer and nicer. The lowest ISO…

5 Digital Media Career That You Might Want

Today we will talk about five Digital media careers. Graphic Designer  Graphic designers make visual concepts by using computer software or by hand, to get ideas that inform, and captivate consumers. They make the layout and production design for applications like advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports. Many workers are employed in specialized design services, publishing, or advertising, public…

Basic (Not as Basic as Me Though) Copyright Laws

Today we will talk about Basic Copyright Laws if you haven’t read the tittle. What is copyright? Copyright is the exclusive right to original work. It will protect unpublished and published work. It is grounded in the Constitution of the United States of America. So all those photos, films, document, music, poetry, novels, computer software,…

Tripods Holds and Grips!

Today we will talk about Tripods, Holds and Grips. There is a specific way to hold it and there are different grips and tripods. We will go into detail in this article because why not? Tripods If you decide for some crazy reason to get a camera you should probably get a tripod, you know…If…

Because Not All Cameras Can be Perfect

No matter the camera they all do the same thing, take a photo. Photos are precious, they are the closes thing that we can do to freeze time. So today we will talk about different types of Cameras. Cell Phone Cameras Cell phone cameras lack digital zoom and they also have very small sensors, the quality…

What is the Multimedia Presentation?

Today we are obviously going to talk about what makes a multimedia presentation a multimedia presentation unless you did not  read the title…like honestly read the title. You might be thinking “Isn’t that the same as a regular presentation?” Well, apparently it’s not…I actually found out it isn’t so you’re not alone. Okay so first…

Storage, Storage, Storage

Today we will talk about the differences of External, internal, and Cloud storage when to use it. Obviously, internal storage is the one that is inside the computer since after all internal means inside.The Internal storage can be loaded into the memory very quickly which is because they are connected to the motherboard and data bus-connector….

How to not spend your money paying someone to fix these 5 problems.

Today I’m going to be happy because why not…also we are going to talk about “Common Software/Hardware Malfunctions” yay~. Starting off with the sound not working. If this happens you have to check if they plugged in to the CPU correctly. Or if your headphones are corrected check if you plugged them in right. Check if the volume…

How to Life With Adobe Softwares

Adobe has many softwares we can use like Photoshop, illustrator, lightroom, animate, etc. In this article we will talk about what adobe software can be used to print, to do webs, photos, animation, and videos. Sorry if this article sucks. I just came from the photography class and saw pictures of me. Firstly, what to use…

Computer Safety guidelines and Ergonomics

In today’s Blog, we well talk about well Computer Safety guidelines and Ergonomics of course! Starting with some safety guidelines. Start by getting a patch  for your computer. A patch is a temporary fix between full releases of a software package. It is usually installed into an existing program. A patch fixes software bugs, upgrade software, Install new…

(Hella) Basic Computer Components

Basic computer components, aka things that we always use but if someone asks what they did no one would answer or we didn’t even know they were a thing. They are really basic…but not as basic as me. In this blog we are gonna talk about CPUs, RAM, Hard Drive, and the Monitor. Firstly there…